California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010

Idle Hour Bakery Inc. USA is dedicated to operating its business ethically and legally. Our parent company, Idle Hour Bakery Corp, has established global policies prohibiting illegal, abusive, slavery, or child labor both within our operations and among our suppliers. These standards are communicated to all employees, who must certify their understanding. Our USA Code of Business Conduct, reviewed and certified annually by all employees, reinforces the expectation of ethical behavior, high integrity, and adherence to the law. Additionally, our sourcing team receives training in responsible sourcing and supplier management.


We require our suppliers to comply with all relevant federal, state, local, and international laws, including those addressing human trafficking and slavery, through our contracts and purchase orders. Our supply chain undergoes evaluation via internal risk assessments, supplier self-assessments, and identification of any high-risk suppliers. If necessary, we may implement verification measures with suppliers to address and manage human trafficking and slavery risks, including possible site visits and audits (either announced or unannounced) to ensure compliance. Although we audit and assess supplier performance using both third-party and internal resources, these assessments do not currently focus in detail on human trafficking and slavery.


If we suspect a supplier is not complying with these standards, we will take corrective actions, which could include removing the supplier from our supply chain. Similarly, if an employee breaches our Code of Business Conduct, we will respond with appropriate disciplinary actions, potentially leading to dismissal.